Most people obtain information, enjoy the content, and make decisions on their mobile phones. As times change rapidly, the online world has become a more important space. If you plan to do business in Southeast Asia, online marketing is a must, not an option.

SNS Marketing means marketing over SNS channels such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok. In SE Asia, the young generation tends to spend much time on social media via mobile devices. SNS marketing is fundamental to penetrating the SE Asian markets.
Different strategies for social media channels are developed, depending on the business and target customers. Digital Stark understands the culture, trends and behavior of the customers in SE Asia. All the marketing activities are overseen by a local team in each SE Asian country.
Digital Stark has had many success stories, especially in the food, tourism and beauty industries. We have upgraded static contents to interactive contents with video formats, and have built up a mega channel that has more than 500,000 followers in a short period.

Media power has shifted from TV into social media, and this major change has made influencers key players for content and marketing. Their opinions on brands, products, and services have the power to change customers' minds.

Digital Stark has developed the Stark-i solution to evaluate and select the best influencers for each business from a vast data collection. Digital Stark analyzes an influencer in a second, a task that would take a few days for a person.
After choosing the best influencer for the project, Digital Stark designs the whole project with a view to implementing the business objectives of a client.
More than 500 influencers with more than 300 million collective followers are with Digital Stark.

In order to boost confidence in their purchases, customers last step in buying something is reading others' purchase reviews. Because of Covid19, online shopping has become more prevalent and review marketing has became more important. Digital Stark has developed and operates its own review marketing platform REVIEW HUNTERS
Digital Stark maintains local staff in each SE Asian country who design the mission task, produce content, collect reviewers, and guide reviewers. To ensure the quality and sincerity of reviewers, Digital Stark has a special screening procedure.
Recently in Indonesia and the Philippines, Digital Stark launched a 2-month review marketing campaign that increased revenue six-fold.

Customers' behavior changes, from collecting information, consuming content, and then to participating in content or events. Digital Stark continues to design brand-new online participating events that fit into each social media channel. They are designed to ensure the best promotion of brand, product and service.

Digital Stark has designed and operated more than 200 online events in the last 3 years. Some examples are Lucky Draw with a superstar, Sharing my Korean trip story, the Gan-Jang-Gong-Jang viral campaign, and the Hanbok model competition.
An expensive award does not guarantee the success of the event. The award amount, application method, participation process, announcement procedure, content format - many factors must be considered to produce a successful event.
In 2020, Digital Stark developed and now operates the HUNTERS ISLAND online participation event. An easy O/X quiz with a treasure-hunting storyline is allowing customers to understand brands, products and services in an easy and fun way. HUNTERS ISLAND attracted more than 500 participants in only 3 days in Indonesia, proving its effectiveness.

It is estimated that a total of 3 billion USD was spent on Traditional media advertising (TV, newspaper, radio and more), while 7.3 billion USD was spent on digital media advertising (Facebook, Google and more) in Korea in 2020. It is now very clear that we need to focus more on digital advertising to appeal to customers in a digital age.
Digital ads consist of search ads and display ads. A search ad shows your results in the top part of a google search, when customers look for information. A display ad feeds your content to customers who display similar interests in your product over many social media platforms and websites.
Digital Stark operates many digital ad projects based on the FEO methodology, that was developed in-house to ensure the best performance of ads.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes your content appear inthe top lines when customers search some keywords in google. However, nowadays people start searching not only in google, but also via youtube, amazon, lazada, qoo10, naver, shopee and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize for these platform searches as well. We call this x-SEO(Extended SEO), which provides our optimization service for each platform.

Customers spend time online mostly on social media and Messenger. Consequently, it is important to conduct marketing on Messenger, especially if you want to make sales, because those on Messenger are ready to communicate.
Whatsapp and Line have the highest market share in Indonesia. Line has a virtual monopoly in Thailand. Zalo is very unique and enjoys the largest market share in Vietnam. Digital Stark understands how local people communicate on Messenger and what they expect from that communication.

Media power has shifted, but still many people follow and believe in big name media such as. TV and newspapers. It is good to enhance a brand’’ credibility, so Digital Stark manages media releases for online ePR (electronic Press Release).

This service covers local online newspapers, magazines, communities, power channels, blogs, associations and organizations. More than 300 media are available in each country.